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πŸ“” 100 Days of SwiftUI (Day 35)

Finished Day 35 in 100 Days of SwiftUI.

This session marks the completion of second consolidation project with SwiftUI based on previous projects. I have a working app for the milestone project but did not complete all optional learning components. I will update this note when I do.

I really like building out the core application, the screens, and its logic in an incremental fashion using Xcode Preview. The resulting visual prototype is helpful for quick and disposal models that are also easy to debug right away.

The project took longer than expected because I did not have the requisite attention and less control of my current schedule. Getting into the flow while coding is an important success factor for deep learning with complex code components. Some research suggests that these basic principles can help:

  1. Optimize your environment
  2. Map out your work
  3. Find joy in your work

There are lots of other tips for learning how to hold a program in one’s head. No matter how much you can try to convince yourself otherwise, your own code represents your understanding of the problem that you are exploring.

As a result, I spent extra time to learn how to annotate code for visibility within Xcode for easy navigation with the jump bar menu and better organization in the main source file. I also added supporting documentation to describe functions, record certain concepts, and map the remaining work for completion.

Coming back to the problem space between programming sessions was much easier for this project after making these adjustments. For future code work, I have simple custom snippets for better code organization and a document template once I move beyond this learning journey.