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πŸ“” 100 Days of SwiftUI (Day 1)

Starting a new series while going through 100 Days of SwiftUI. Writing about that experience will share and more deeply integrate the material into working knowledge.

First, let’s start with initial impressions:

  • Paul Hudson is precise, thoughtful, and pragmatic on what to learn and why.
  • Prototyping new code and concepts in Xcode Playgrounds is very nice.
  • I like the thoughtful care to present new concepts and incorporate new knowledge through small and digestible portions.
  • Adding optional reference material and review exercises is effective and excellent reinforcement.

Since Swift is not my first programming language, the real exercise is to practice patience and diligence. I am enjoying the relaxed pace of progress and appreciate a start with well-explained fundamentals.

The material and exercises will get harder. Good habits and repetition will eventually make a difference.

Off to a great start so far!