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🔗 Hello internet

Sam O’Neill on a new blog publishes the following in the first post:

I have been using the internet for as long as I remember, and for as long as I have been using the internet, I have really loved browsing blogs and reading the posts that they house. Naturally, over the years, the topics and themes of those blogs that I have perused have changed…

But as much as I love blogs, I’ve never had my own. The idea of blogging has always intrigued me, but never have I actually gone ahead and made one. There are numerous reasons for this…

Yet recently these thoughts – these insecurities – have been challenged. I have felt an urge to write… So I’m going to give it a go.

It is fascinating to see renewed interest in blogging these days. I have no doubt that it partly stems from growing mistrust of large corporations, rising conflicts in world affairs, and general uncertainly that many feel in their lives. All of which can bring nostalgia, soul-searching, and a desire for connection. Writing will help you ponder, grow, and empower.

From my perspective, there has never been a better time to start. You can create a free account at Wordpress but it can be anywhere. I invite you to take the first step and just begin sharing.

Find your voice and see where that goes.