A Major Move for GitHub
Compliments to the amazing folks over there on the new pricing structure for private repositories and a seamless transition for those already on the paid plan. This is definitely an interesting move - as I suspect that cost is one of the major objections in migrating any of your code that you don’t necessarily want to be public. It’s just one more reason to do everything with your code over at GitHub, if you haven’t already.1
As developers, we have a wealth of tools (it’s almost an embarrassment really) that we could only dream of less than a decade ago. It’s definitely time to enroll in a paid plan if you haven’t already.
See the official announcement here.
GitHub has done an excellent job of democratizing and capturing the social aspect of programmers and their subculture around the world. However, not all business models (or personal agendas) support 100% open source codebases. Driving down the price will only capitalize on the goodwill of the community and establish a stronger foothold in the workplace. GitHub really wants you to use their stuff for personal use and for real work, wherever that may be. ↩